

5 June is World Environment Day, which is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment, and this year's theme is #BeatAirPollution. Myanmar Carlsberg Co., Ltd is taking part the World Environment Day in Myanmar.

"5 June is UN Environment #WorldEnvironmentDay and this year’s theme is #BeatAirPollution. We’ve already taken the first steps #TowardsZERO carbon emissions at our brewery in Bago Region. Since 2015, we've reduced our relative carbon emissions, our fuel usage and our electricity consumption.”  

Myanmar Carlsberg Co., Ltd is the first international brewery in Myanmar which is using the guidelines of United Nations together with Carlsberg’s sustainability programme in Myanmar. On Wednesday 5th June – employees plant trees for “GO GREEN CARLSBERG IN MAYNMAR” at our brewery in Bago Region. Employees will be going to post the photos after they plant trees for the hashtag campaign in social media by using #WorldEnvironmentDay #BeatAirPollution #TowardsZERO.

Together Towards ZERO

Together Towards ZERO is our ambitious sustainability programme, expressing our vision for a better tomorrow at a time of serious challenges such as climate change, water scarcity and public health concerns. It consists of four ambitions: ZERO carbon footprint, ZERO water waste, ZERO irresponsible drinking and a ZERO accidents culture. Each of these is underpinned by individual and measurable targets, leading up to 2022 and 2030.

ZERO Carbon Footprint

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Addressing it requires a transition to a low-carbon economy. And, as stated in the Paris Agreement on climate change, business has a key role to play. Our ambition of ZERO carbon footprint aligns with the Paris Agreement’s more ambitious goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.

Devised with the support of external experts at the Carbon Trust, our science-based carbon-reduction targets focus on cutting carbon emissions at our brewery and working with value chain partners to reduce ‘beer-in-hand’ emissions by 2030. Other intermediate targets to 2022 include the promotion of low impact cooling and renewable electricity, and the elimination of coal.

Find out more about it in our sustainability report:"



Please address enquires to:

Corporate Communications and CSR Manager

Han Su Tin

Tel +95 (9) 966 750 880 Email [email protected]